Oct 4, 2008

The government must stop the use of ozone depleting substance (BPO). Moreover until now still many companies that used BPO illegal. In accordance with President Regulation No. 23 in 1992 about the Ratification of the Viennese Convention, Montreal Protocol, and the London Amendment, the Government has made a commitment to control and reduced import BPO in stages. The "government ought to give the incentive to the substance non BOP (read= the company that used the substance non BOP) in order to the BPO smuggling not happen illegal," said Sugiharto, Sales Manager of PT. Perdoni, one of the importer's companies of chemicals in discussions commemorated the Ozone Internasional Day, on Tuesday (16/9), in Jakarta.

According to Sugiharto, many businessmen who still were using BPO because of the price more cheaply when compared with non BPO. One of BPO that was forbidden by the government to be Chloro Fluoro Carbon (CFC).

Arthur Palar, considered the use of the substance non BPO precisely beneficial because the company became environment-friendly and the employee more paid attention to the cleanliness. "Moreover BPO has been banned by the government," said General Affair PT. Topjaya an air cooler producer and the refrigerator. Arthur added, his company will carry out the conversion of the material refrigerant R141b to hydrocarbons (Cyclopentane) because more environment-friendly and safe.

Arthur acknowledged, initially the company of few difficulties when no longer used BPO for his products. "There were several machines that must be replaced," said Arthur. The Ozone International day that fell on this day was commemorated in 22 level regional governments of the province. This number more compared to the warning of the ozone day last year. Be present in this agenda, the ministry's staff of the environment and stakeholders related.(kompas)

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    he Ozone Layer is now in these days reached a very critical stage and it is reduce very fast.
    The Chloro Fluoro Carbon (CFC) plays very big roll of Ozone Layer’s Hole. The big nations and governments of all over world takes many steps for ozone layer. But we have to take more steps to improve people awareness of environment. So I would like to introduce the Aarcher Institute of Environmental Training is always be with the stop environmental pollution and global warming.
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