Oct 5, 2008

Carbon dioxide emissions as the indicator of the pollutant were most important experienced the rise 3 percent between 2006 and 2007. The rate of the above rise the estimate of several experts in the environment was in fact acknowledged as the condition that screams.

This situation startling because when global economics generally experienced the sluggishness evidently still contributed the rise in the rate of high pollution. A half big the source of pollution was still continuing to come from the use of coal and fuel oil. China was recorded as the country that contributed biggest pollution in the world replaced the US position since 2006. Was based on the BP PLC estimation, one of the companies of oil of the world giant, carbon dioxide emissions that were produced by the activity of the industry in China reached 2 billion ton during 2007 or rose 7, 5 percent of the year beforehand.

Now carbon dioxide emissions from the USA as big as 1, 75 billion ton or rose 2 percent of the year beforehand. The rate of pollution was estimated would so high especially from developing countries that were experiencing the growth of the industry was very high like China. India currently also shifts the third position that previously were occupied Russia. According to Kyoto protocol, China and India including in the list of the developing country that must not reduce his carbon dioxide emissions like developed countries.

However, at this time, developing countries precisely contributed 53 percent pollution of carbon dioxide. Industrialized countries began to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. Denmark succeeded in reducing emissions of 8 percent, England and Germany of 3 percent. Now France and Australia lowered of 2 percent. "Nature could not absorb carbon dioxide from humankind," said Corinne Le Querre, the professor of the environment from the East Anglia University and Survey Antarctica England (BAS). Moreover, he continued, from the year 1955-2000, the forest and the ocean could absorb approximately 57 percent carbon dioxide, but at this time only could absorb 54 percent then.

An Inter Government Panel for the Change in the Climate (IPCC) predicted the Earth temperature will increase between 4-11 percent during 2100 resulting from that pollution. This matter will cause the plague of the so many illnesses, also the big storm often welcome, as well as the rise in the face of sea water. If the rate of carbon dioxide emissions higher than the estimate, readied-readied the disaster came earlier.(Kompas)

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    The %age of increasing the carbon dioxide is very high so this is only lack of knowledge so we need to awareness of environment and global warming.In the mission of your pollution free environment the Aarcher Institute of Environmental Training is always be with you.
    The Aarcher Institute of Environmental Training has been providing public training classes from many years and its instructors have carefully refined the training content and presentations. These public classes are cost-effective to obtain valuable training, while benefiting from the questions and discussions that occur during each class. The Aarcher Institute's public training courses continually grow and change to address emerging environmental challenges faced by the regulated community and in response to demand by Institute students for more details please logon to www.aarcherinstitute.com/publictraining.html

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