Feb 8, 2008
The Bukit Tiga Puluh national park (TNBT) had the area 144.223 Ha, with the ecosystem of the rainforest of the plain tropics (lowland tropical rain forest), this region was the transition between the swamp forest and the mountainous forest and the ecosystem that was unique and different compared with the other national park region available in Indonesia.
The Tiga Puluh hill was the hilly carpet that was separated from the series of Barisan Hill mountains was located in the border of the Jambi province and Riau, this area was the area of the arrest of water (catchment the area) so as to form small rivers and to be the upstream from big rivers in the area of surrounding area.
Several fauna kinds that could be encountered in the Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park in part: the Sumatran Tiger, Beruang Madu, Inserted Breaker Tapir, Inserted Breaker Siamang, Kancil, Babi Hutan, Burung Rangkong, Kuaw, and various other fauna kinds.
Whereas the rare flora kind that was expected endemic in this region was the Muka Rimau Mushroom (Rafflesia haseltii).
Apart from being the habitat from various flora kinds and the rare fauna and being protected, the TNBT region also was the place of the life and settled several of the ethnic group's most foreign communities like Talang Mamak, Anak the Forest and withered Tua, that made this region to be interesting to be explored.
The Bukit Tigapuluh national park was the hilly region in the middle of the Sumatran carpet of the eastern part plain, and had the potential for the diversity of the plants kind/the valuable endemic fauna was high enough.
The type of the compiler's ecosystem of the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park forest was the plain forest, the forest pamah and the plateau forest with his flora kind like jelutung (Dyera costulata), red latex (Palaquium spp.), pulai (Alstonia scholaris), kempas (Koompassia excelsa), rumbai (Shorea spp.), the face mushroom rimau/raflesia (Rafflesia hasseltii), jernang or the palm of dragon blood (Daemonorops draco), and various rattan kinds.
The Bukit Tigapuluh national park had 59 mammalian kinds, 6 primate kinds, 151 birds kinds, 18 bat kinds, and various butterfly kinds.
Besides being the Sumatran tiger habitat (Panthera tigris sumatrae), the tapir (Tapirus indicus), ungko (Hylobates agilis), the sweet bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus), sempidan blue (Lophura ignita), kuau (Argusianus argus argus) et cetera; also as the protection hidro-orologis the Kuantan Indragiri River Basin.
Originally the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park region was the protected forest and the limited production forest. Nevertheless, the condition for this national park forest was relative still was natural.
The community around the Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park consisted of several ethnic groups with the customs and traditions and the relative culture still was very traditional that is the Anak Ethnic Group In, Suku Talang Mamak et cetera.
This community especially the Talang Mamak Ethnic Group, believed that the hill and available plants in this national park had the magical strength in their life. Indirectly they were participating was active in guarded and protected the hill/plants in the national park.
Several locations/the object that was interesting to be visited:
- "Hitam Dalam Water".Followed the river and saw witnessed the life of plants/the fauna.Hitam Dalam water was the Sumatran tiger habitat.
- Tembelung smoked. Saw the waterfall panorama, bathed and observation of plants.
- The Belipat stone and the Gatal Stone.The cultural tour. Crossed jeram.
The activity crossed jeram could be carried out in the Gangsal River, Sungai Menggatai, and the Sipang River. - Kemantan. The cultural tour, to see the Talang Mamak ceremony of the Ethnic Group's piety.
- The attraction of the culture outside the national park: the Attraction of the culture outside the national park that is Siak Bermandah in June and the Pacu jalur in August in Riau.
The best visit season: in March s/d in July each year.
The location from Pekanbaru - Riau to Seberida Distrik about +/- 285 km or 5 hours by bus/car.
Legality :
Stated ----- was pointed out Forestry Minister, SK No. 539/Kpts-II/1995
widely 127,698 hektar
was appointed Forestry Minister, SK No. 6407/Kpts-II/2002
widely 144,223 hektar.
Location at Indragiri Hulu dan Indragiri Hilir Regencies, Riau Province. Bungo Tebo & Tanjung
Jabung Regencies, at Jambi Province
Temperature 28° – 37°C
The height of the place 60 - 734 meters (dpl)
The geografic at 0°40’ - 1°30 S, 102°13’ - 102°45’ W
(some recourses)
Labels: National Park
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